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Florian-Doru Crihana


Artist Statement


I always liked science but never thought to become an artist as it was an area I didn’t know much about. I’ve got a keen sense of observation and humor, and I’ve been drawing since childhood. The leap for an artistic career came when I published my first satirical drawings in the Bucharest (Romania) mass media.

Later on, after winning many prizes for my satirical works, I felt I have to give up competitions and start personal art projects. Each project included 35-40 pieces with a single general theme that lasted a year. Now I’m interested in drawing cities after studying their history, forgotten stories, hidden gems, famous and symbolic buildings, architectural elements, and their important people. 

I have recently finished Nuremberg and Barcelona, and I’m getting ready for the next one! I’m delighted that the representatives of these cities appreciate me and my works. I consider myself being a satirical artist, a creator of surrealistic and poetic images.


Florian Doru Crihana was born in 1958 in Galati, Romania. He has a technical education in shipbuilding engineering. In 1985 he began to publish and exhibit satirical graphics on contemporary world issues. The artist participated in about 200 competitions worldwide and won over 80 prizes. His works were appreciated by the German collector Dieter Burkamp who offered him a contract that lasted 20 years. In this collaboration, Florian’s works have been exhibited in two retrospective international major exhibitions: Karikatur - Europaische Kunstler der Gegenwar (Wilhelm-Busch-Museum, Hannover, Germany 1991) and Spuren des Don Quijote (Modern Art Museum, Goslar, Germany 2005).

Time_..A_Joke_oil_cardboard_40x30cm_2012_Collection 21 Centuries.jpg
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