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The great abstractionists of the past, V. Kandinsky, K. Malevich, and P. Picasso, said that art could be abstract, like science, but did not say how to abstract. For more than 100 years, abstract art was ‘unconscious’; abstract artists signed their works with numbers or left them unnamed. As a response, the Russian artist Sergey Dozhd created Sciarsism (the word is derived from the Latin scientia - science and ars - art). Sciarsism is the science of artistic abstraction through which artists can understand their works and explain them to other artists and viewers. Sciarsism became a trend in contemporary art and philosophy. It is now an international movement of philosophers and intellectual artists developing a system for understanding abstract art, similar to understanding abstract concepts in physics and mathematics.


Dozens of artists and art critics from more than 20 countries, including Russia, USA, Germany, Spain, France, Belgium, Italy, Great Britain, and China, participate in this movement. Several international exhibitions have been held in museums around the world. 

In 2019, a large exhibition titled Sciarsism and Sciarsists was held at the Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia. Participating artists included Sergey Dozhd (Russia), Ulrike Bolenz (Belgium), Edward Bekkerman (USA), Franco Viola (Italy), Ines Berlin (Germany), Konstantin Khudyakov (Russia), Evgeny Semenov (Russia), Mally Khorasantchi (USA), among others. An eponymous show is currently being prepared at the MMOMA, Russia.


Many world-renowned art personalities and philosophers, including Bazon Brock and Dieter Ronte (Germany), Alexander Borovsky (Russia), Barbara Dietrich (Belgium), Huang Mei (China), Joseph Laske (France), and others, widely collaborate with this movement. In 2021, the first international competition of sciarsists will take place in Ukraine. The theory of Sciarsism was first published in the German magazine Art Profile and later in many international books and catalogs. The sciarsists of France devoted several articles to this theory on Wikipedia.

by Sergey Dozhd.

Sciarsist Artists

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The First International Exhibition in Kiyv
"The Best Artist in the Field of Contemporary Art, Abstraction and Sciarsism".

Two works of Artios artist and founder Elena Seroff were selected for the exhibition of the winners of the International Competition “The Best Artist in the Field of Contemporary Art, Abstraction and Sciarsism,” which was held at the Kiyv History Museum, Ukraine, from 9th through 12th September 2021. The competition attracted 300 artists from 38 countries, where 60 finalists were chosen.


The project’s architect, Chairman of the NGO’s “Best Artist” Board, People’s Artist of Ukraine, Volodymyr Kozyuk, said, “This is the world’s first competition of contemporary art, abstraction, and sciarsism. Sciarsism makes it possible to combine the incompatible – modern art, figurative, and abstraction. The artist must convey through his work emotions, thoughts, perceptions. This is a new avant-garde. It allows you to start a new path in art, and time and history will show what it will be. At the exhibition, we brought together famous and emerging artists. The exhibition will travel further; it will be shown in different countries. Seventeen world galleries are already offering their spaces.”


Sciarsism is a trend in fine arts, especially in painting, which originated in 2015. The founder of the movement, Russian artist Sergey Dozhd, explains the rationale behind it, “Sciarsism is the science of artistic abstraction through which artists can understand their works and explain them to others. Sciarsism became a trend in contemporary art and philosophy. It is now an international movement of philosophers and intellectual artists developing a system for understanding abstract art, similar to understanding abstract concepts in physics and mathematics.”


We will be following the exhibition’s path and bring you further news as they become available. For now, we wish all the artists participating in this event continuing artistic inspiration and success in their future endeavors.

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